Sakshi Gopal 4

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

     Radhekrishna! Kalyana Brahmachari was doing all his karmas with Krishna dhyanam.The old brahmin's family were thinking of getting the girl married.They were on the look out for a suitable alliance for her. The brahmin's wife was on the look out for a rich son in law while his son wanted a handsome well educated boy for his sister. The brahmin did not have the courage to tell him that he had promised to give his daughter in marriage to the orphan boy next door. It was true that the boy was good looking very pious and well behaved. But will they consider and accept him? One day he gathered courage and told his son about Kalyana Brahmachari and his promise to him. The son got so wild that he immeidately took a wooden log to beat his father. His wife also started showering abuses on him. They did not care for his age or his promse given to the brahmachari. People give respect only till a man is of any use to them. After that he is only ignored. The old man was ordered not to interfere in his daughter's marriage issue. His daughter Malini respected her father and was a pious girl. She kept consoling her father that Bhagavan will never let his promise go invain and that he would somehow fulfill his promise. What a staunch faith! Radhekrishna!
     The old man was relieved that at least his daughter understood his predicament. But he was reluctant to face the brahmachari. He avoided going out when brahmachari was around. If at all he happened to meet him he would not look at him. Brahmachari noted all these and started worrying for the brahmin. He had made the promise in Brindavan in front of Krishna. If he failed to fulfill it he would definitely become a sinner. He wanted the brahmin to realise this and went to meet him one day. He directly reminded him of his promise made before Gopala. Hearing this the brahmin's wife and son insulted the boy and drove him out of the house. The brahmin kept quiet throughout. The boy silently went away without retorting. Theythought that he got scared and ran away. Bhakthas are never afraid of anything in this world. However much Hiranyakashipu tried, he could not scare Prahlada. The great sage Durvasa couldnt scare King Ambarisha with his evil spirit. Bhakthas have deep faith in Bhagavan so they are unbeatable. Radhekrishna!
     Kalyana brahmachari was worried that the old man had broken his promise. He was also sorry that he was insulted by them. He kept thinking of the Gopala of Brindavan who only was the witness to everything. He had served the brahmin out of pure love only and it was definted by them as selfish motive. That hurt him very much. Insult is more painful than death. Bhagavan in Bhagavath Geetha tells Arjjuna that "Akeerthihi maranaath athiriachyathe". He was insulted in a mean way by the brahmin's family. Though he was deeply hurt by it he did not want to commit suicide for that. He knew committing suicide is a great sin and will have to suffer greater disasters for doing so. Instead he must win and live before the people who had insulted him. Brahmachari was very clear in his mind. He wanted to win and depended on namasankeertan to get a way. Whatever be the problem if we do namasankeertan with full faith the right way will come up. Bhagavan in Bhagavath Geetha tells Arjjuna that when anybody is in a confused state, should surrender at my feet, then I will show them the right path. Brahmachari also, keeping Bhagavan's words in mind sat and did namajapam for a while.
     At last with a clear mind he approached the village panchayath and presented his problem before them. The old brahmin and his family were summoned  before the panchayath. They put the blame over him saying tht he had wanted to marry the girl and was creating this drama in favour of him. They said that with this intention in his mind he had accompanied the old man, cheated him and taken the promise from him. Kalyana brahmachari did not worry about anything and kept chanting Bhagavan's nama continously. "Sarvadha, sarva bhavena nischinthaih bhagavan eva bhajaneeyah" says Narada maharshi is his Bhakthi Sutra. The panchayath asked the brahmin the truth. He in his hurry to escape his family's wrath said he did not remember any promise he had made. Truth always has to face test in this world. Radhekrishna!
      Now the panchayath asked the brahmachari if he had any witness to support his words, He said he had only Gopala of Brindavan to prove his words. They laughed at him and sarcastically told him to bring his witness there if he can. They said they cannot take a decision without proper enquiry. Heairng this the brahmachari got so determined that he declared he would bring his witness Gopala there to prove his words. Everyone laughed at him. Malini's brother immeidately said that if he could bring Gopala as a witness he was prepared to give her in marriage to him. Some people were astound at his deep faith. Brahmachari had unflinching faith in Bhagavan and was sure that he could bring Him over there as a witness. Everybody thought that Bhagavan will never come directly as a witness and so agreed to the challenge. Radhekrishna!
     Want to know how Bhagavan helped brahmachari? Wait with namajapam till next issue. Radhekrishna!



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